Men Helping Men Strengthen Their Christian Faith
Introducing a Handbook for New and Existing Believers
Quickly learn how to be a Christian Man with actions showing it.
Men Helping Men Strengthen Their Christian Faith
Introducing a Handbook for New and Existing Believers
Quickly learn how to be a Christian Man with actions showing it.
The original intent was to help other Christian men who were like me. Who went to church for years and did not know what it meant to be a Christian. But during my journey I learned that 70% of Christians walk away from their faith by the time they reach college age. I also learned that Christianity is one generation away from extinction. I had never heard these things before. Probably because like most Christians we just go to church and that is it. There is no fruit, no good deeds or even effort. Most Christians have not read the entire Bible and most will not. So I created an eBook that is very short and to the point. Hence the name “Shorter” Christian Handbook. The Word doc version is even shorter. The meat is condensed on 10 double line spaced pages. Or 5 normal spaced pages. Yup, that is right, just 5 pages to describe what it REALLY means to be a Christians. One could read this information in less time than most sermons. Learning what it means to be a Christian cannot be any simpler than that.
The website is being changed to provide apologetic information. With the hope of saving the 70% that walk away, and keep Christianity from extinction.
This study is like a mini boot camp that gets you going now. My hope is you will quickly start changing your life so your family and others will benefit. More importantly, God will be glorified by your actions.
Please “Click for Free eBook!” and copy / print the Word document. The PDF/eBook is in 6 x 9 format which is better suited for viewing on cell phones. Take the Initial Test. Then go through the study and learn the answers to the Test. Once complete, then start making the changes in Characteristic #7, Changed Life. Create your personal Shorter Christian Handbook by printing out a paper copy. Read through it at night and use what you learned to train others. When the opportunity present itself, lead someone to Christ <><
This also makes a great men’s bible study. Give your group only say 10 minutes to take the Initial Test. Have the men take a picture of their answers and then pass them in. The moderator passes the tests back out so each person can see what others wrote. The moderator then asks the men to read some of the answers. Maybe a discussion is needed for some who think a wrong answer is right. Like salvation. Or what do you do outside of church and your house that shows you are a Christian. This could show the entire group that the majority do not know basics and have no fruit. Then do the study with your buddies or individually. Discuss what changes you will make in your life or what branches you will cut off that do not bear fruit, and later you can discuss how your journey is going.
The moderator should be prepared to lead much of the group into the sinner’s prayer. “Men we could have done better. For the one’s not quite clear on how one is saved, I invite you to join me in the sinner’s prayer.”
Men, please know that I could not answer enough questions to pass the Initial Test. Even after going to church for decades and being in my mid 50’s! The purpose of the test is to realize that most do not know what it means to be a Christian nor why you are a Christian. For if you did, you would have actions showing you are a Christian outside of your church and home. The test gives you a starting point and then going through the study you learn the answers. This process is meant to build you up. Not tear you down. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to change your life and glorify God. Let’s get after it!