I learned that 70% of Christians walk away from their faith around college age. This tells me that they were not taught apologetics in church. Many, like me, have never even heard of the word “Apologetics”. Here is one definition: “Apologetics is quite literally defense of the faith; the Greek word apologia means “defense” as a lawyer gives at a trial..”
Below is a list of items I learned to defend and strengthen my faith. These items came from much smarter people. Some scientists, PhD’s, and logical people. The goal is to save Christians from walking away from their faith (this means you). The goal is not to have you have a debate. The takeaway is that there is so much evidence for a divine creator God, that it takes more faith to be an atheist than a Christian. The following is a summary that resonates with me.
· Who created the Universe? Science has discovered that the universe is expanding. Which means it had a beginning. But how did the matter come to existence? Who created it? One law of thermodynamics is it takes matter to create matter. Matter just doesn’t pop up out of thin air. The Big Bang is a common theory for the creation of the universe. In order to have a bang there needs to be an explosive charge to blow up the matter. Who created the explosive charge? Who created the space to blow the matter up? Who lit the fuse to set off the charge to blow up the matter? How come all the planets are round? When matter blows up it is jagged. If the universe came from the same matter how come the moon is a dead planet, the sun is all gas/energy, and earth has water and life? It’s funny how non-believers used science to say Christianity is not true. But when Christians present the scientific facts, the non-believers say it is hogwash and science just has not discovered that yet.
· Earth’s Solar System – is perfect to support life on earth. If earth were closer or further from the sun, it would burn up or freeze. The moon is the right size and strategically placed to provide a gravitational pull to create tides in the ocean. Which helps create oxygen we need to breathe.
· Earth – has the perfect conditions to support life. It has water, oxygen, sunlight to grove plants for food and keep the planet just warm enough.
· Odds of all the above happening is impossible. Is exponentially impossible.
· Original of Life – how did the first cell come into existence? Science has no clue how. Science cannot even recreate life in a laboratory with perfect conditions and ingredients.
· Complexity of a Cell – the cell is made up of parts that operate much like motors or mechanical devices.
· DNA – is a code that is required for the cells to build in a fashion to make the parts of a body. Where did the code come from? We know from computers that a intelligent designer must create the code to operate the computer. Likewise, who wrote the code for DNA? Not just for humans but for all leaving creatures.
· Human Body – is made up of many incredible operating systems like the circulatory system. The body has over 60,000 miles of arteries, heart that never stops, lungs to process air into the circulatory system, stomach that feeds the body, eyes to see that automatically adjust to light and dark or focus on close and far objects, ears to detect sounds close and far, nose to smell, tongue and vocal chords to communicate, brain that is more complex than the best computer.
· Intelligent Design – all above is impeccably / impossibly designed that points to an intelligent designer. It is impossible to imagine that it all happened by luck.
· Evolution – what about it? It does not address any of the above. Evolution assumes all the above exists. Where did the mass come from to create life, the sun to keep earth warm, in the right solar system so earths atmosphere would support complex life, in a planet that has food, water, oxygen, etc. Darwin’s theory came out in 1859. Since then technology has improved to allow modern science see that his theory is well, rubbish.
· NDE’s – near death experiences. There are thousands of documented reports written by doctors of people have died / been declared clinically dead, and come back to life many minutes later. The individuals share what they saw in the operating room when their soul left their body. The doctors realized that there is no way they could possible know these details because they were dead. Even blind people describing what they saw after they died. Some share experiences of what they believe is hell or heaven. The point is, that NDE’s prove the soul lives after the body dies. Question, do you know where your soul is going if you died today? If not, please read Characteristic #1 in the FREE Shorter Christian Handbook.
· Christians can talk about the above first with non-believers before they even discuss the Bible or Jesus. Yes, share the gospel if the opportunity happens. But when they ask you why you believe, start with the above. Ask them to share their thoughts on the above items. This may lead to an opportunity to discuss each other’s views of Bible and Jesus.
· Bible – There is no other religion that has correctly predicted the future. This is called prophecy. This seems like it a “drop the mic / case closed” to me, but it is just not enough for others. I have heard that the Bible is over 25% prophecy. Here are 5 examples of Bible prophecy I heard from Pastor Skip Heitzig https://calvarynm.church/connectwithskip/ , that decades and centuries later comes true in the new testament:
I. Born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14
II. Born in Bethlehem, Micah 5:2
III. Born into the tribe of Judah, Genesis 49:10
IV. His ministry would begin in Galilea, Isaiah 9:1
V. He would work miracles, Isaiah 35:5-6
· Jesus Crucifixion / Resurrection – here are some supporting facts:
I. Execution – there are five ancient sources outside of the Bible that confirms Jesus was executed.
II. Early Accounts – the news of the Jesus’ resurrection all come within one generation of Jesus’ death and is considered early documentation compared to other ancient manuscripts written sometimes hundreds of years later.
III. Empty Tomb – even the opponents of Jesus conceded the tomb was empty.
IV. Eye-witness Accounts – there are nine ancient sources – inside and outside the New Testament confirming the testimony of the disciples that they encountered the resurrected Jesus. Earliest report of the resurrection writes 500 people saw Jesus at the same time.
· Archaeological Evidence – there is much evidence that supports the Bible. Stories and places that are written in the Bible have been found. More info to follow.
Atheists often start their response to Christianity by making fun of your belief in God. But they never provide any hard facts or science that contradicts the above. The best they can do is make fun of the Christian, a false accusation, diversion because they do not have a list like the above that supports atheism. Some Atheist call a belief in God a fairy tale. But atheism is a religion that does not believe in God. I heard Dr. John Lennox say he used this in a debate with an Atheist before. The Atheist stated he believes in no religion. And Mr. Lennox corrected him saying you believe there is no God and that in itself is a religion.
I have heard, it takes more faith to be an atheist than a Christian. Just like in being in a jury, you hear all the evidence, and then you must decide. Josh McDowell titled his book, “Evidence Demands a Verdict” with this in mind. Atheist will say science just have not discovered it yet. But as more time goes by science continues to make discoveries that strengthen the case for a divine creator God. You do not have the luxury of waiting because life is short and you do not know when it will end. I like the plan of putting my faith in Jesus, my Lord and savior and everyone loving each other.
The goal is to save 70% of Christians from walking away from their faith. Not to prepare you to debate the matter. The goal is to save your soul. Besides, arguing with a non-believer is not going to change their mind. Greg Koukl wrote a book titled “Tactics” and gives questions you can ask non-believers. Like how did you come up with that point of view, what do you mean by that, why do you think that is true? By asking them questions and not spouting your reasons why you believe, it may turn into a conversation and not an argument. Better to politely agree to disagree.
(More information on each topic along with links to videos and websites will be added in time. You must do your own research. You control your destiny. YOU must make it happen.)